

英漢字典: leave off

1. stop 停止

    Please leave off biting your nails. 請不要咬指甲。

    He told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother. 他要那些孩子們停止戲弄他的小弟弟。

    I think we should leave off now and have a cup of tea. 我想我們該停下來喝杯茶了。

    We leave off work at 12. 我們12點鐘下班。

2. no longer wear;stop wearing or using不再穿;不再使用

    They left their woollen underwear when the weather got warm. 天氣轉暖時,他們不穿羊毛衫了。

    She left her coat off when she went out. 她沒穿外衣就出去了。

    I have left off my overcoat. 我已經不穿大衣了。

    He has left off all ather medicines. 他已停服其它所有的藥。

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